Monday, March 19, 2007

Initial Thewing

Nov 16 2006 8:51 AM

So i decided tonight was a good night for pizzas. But alas, i can only fit one 8" pizza in my toaster oven...wait, maybe the smaller oven in my stove might be able to hold a second pie! Lo and behold, the next thing i know, i've got TWO (count 'em 2) pizzas cooking at the same time. Welp, time to enjoy some comedy on the ol' computer box whilst i wait.


But what's this? I don't remember my apartment being so cloudy when i moved in...what could possibly being causing this proliferation of smoke?

Matthew had turned the right side burner on, NOT the 'oven'. Now, the right side burner kinda had a dirty pan on it. And it's smoking like a real smokey thing that's been left on an unattended burner too long.

So, it's friz-AH-eezing out, but i have open all my windows to air out my lil cave. No harm, no foul. As far as the pan goes, um, now it's, uh, been rather sterilized, though i don' think that it will be cool until December is here.

But i got me some pizza pie and i didn't die in a fire of stultification.


PS: If you're my mom...this is totally a joke. I have never, and would never be so irresponsible with gas ovens.

PPS: If you're NOT my mom, i totally did this...

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